What Event Seems to Have Brought About the End of the Old Palace Period in Minoan Art?

Model of the "Palace of Minos" on Kephala at the Museum in Iraklio

The Minoan chronology dating system is a measure of the phases of the Minoan civilization. Initially established as a relative dating arrangement by English language archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans between 1900 and 1903 based on his analysis of Minoan pottery during his excavations at Knossos on Crete, new technologies including carbon dating and Dna analysis have led to significant revisions to the appointment ranges.[1]

The Minoan Bronze Age catamenia is divided into "Early Minoan" ("EM"), "Middle Minoan" ("MM"), and "Tardily Minoan" ("LM"), each sub-divided by Roman numerals I to 3, and in many cases by a further "A" or "B," then, for example, "MM IIIB."

In 1958 Nikolaos Platon proposed a new chronology at the Prehistoric Briefing in Hamburg, based on the development of the architectural complexes known every bit "palaces" at Knossos, Phaistos, Malia, and Kato Zakros. In it, the terms "Pre-palace," "Old Palace," and "New Palace" were to replace Evans' scheme. The academic community accepted the scheme but non equally a replacement, only stating where in Evans' system the new terms fit. They are now usually called Prepalatial, Protopalatial, Neopalatial, and Postpalatial in English language.

1 quick version of Minoan chronology
3500–2900 BC[2] EMI Prepalatial
2900–2300 BC EMII
2300–2100 BC EMIII
2100–1900 BC MMIA
1900–1800 BC MMIB Protopalatial
(Former Palace Menses)
1800–1750 BC MMIIA
1750–1700 BC MMIIB Neopalatial
(New Palace Period)
1700–1650 BC MMIIIA
1650–1600 BC MMIIIB
1600–1500 BC LMIA
1500–1450 BC LMIB Postpalatial
(at Knossos;
Final Palace Menstruation)
1450–1400 BC LMII
1400–1350 BC LMIIIA
1350–1100 BC LMIIIB

Evans and Knossos [edit]

Arthur Evans began excavating on a loma called tou tseleve he kephala, "the headland of the chieftain", some three miles (v km) from the n coast of Crete, on March 23, 1900. Two of the palace storerooms had been uncovered past Minos Kalokairinos in 1878, whose piece of work ceased at the demand of the land owners. Simultaneously, coins and seals inscribed with a mysterious script were also discovered. These came to Evans' attention as the curator of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, a position he held from 1884 to 1908. The surface area was rumored to have been the site of the aboriginal city of Knossos.

Evans examined the site on March nineteen, 1894. In 1899 Evans purchased the land with his ain funds and decided to set up an excavation. In the first two weeks he discovered Linear A tablets.

Another view of the palace

Attacking the site with crews of hundreds of diggers, Evans uncovered most of the site's half-dozen acres (24,000 grandii) within vi seasons. By 1905 he had named the civilization whose traces he constitute at that place Minoan, afterwards the legendary king Minos, and had created a detailed chronology of the serial phases of the pottery styles in Minoan Crete, based on what he constitute at Knossos. Afterward, he concerned himself mainly with restoration. He continued to excavate there and elsewhere and to restore[3] until 1935.

In 1921, the first edition of Evans' work on Crete, Palace of Minos, was released.

On Evans' expiry in 1941, the British Schoolhouse of Archaeology assumed responsibleness for the earthworks, later turning the belongings over to the Greek government, while retaining excavation rights.

Evans' chronology [edit]

Evans' chronological framework had triple divisions each triply divided, a formula that has been retained, thus Early Minoan (EM) I, 2 and III, Middle Minoan (MM) I, II and III etc. Each subsection he divided into A and B, early on and late. In 1918 Alan J. B. Wace and Carl Blegen adjusted Evans' chronology to the Greek mainland and the islands, where the culture was termed Helladic and Cycladic. In 1941 Arne Furumark applied the term Mycenaean to LH and LC. Every bit the Mycenaean Greeks dominated at Knossos at some point in Late Minoan (LM), the latter is oftentimes included under "Mycenaean" or called "Minoan-Mycenaean".

Evans never intended to give exact calendrical dates to the pottery periods. He did correlate them roughly[4] to meliorate dated Egyptian periods using finds of Egyptian artifacts in clan with Cretan ones and obvious similarities of some types of Cretan artifacts with Egyptian ones.

The one serious question[five] concerns the date of the Knossos tablets. Allegations were made that Evans falsified the stratum in which the tablets were found to place the tablets at 1400 BCE when they ought to have been the same date as the Pylos tablets, 1200 BCE. This dispute became known as the Palmer-Boardman Dispute when it first appeared. A key part of the case was that a certain kind of vase, a stirrup jar (named from the handles) found in tablet contexts, is dated only to 1200.

Modern chronology [edit]

Beginning in the 1940s with the advent of technologies such as radiocarbon dating, and the expansion of historical knowledge of the Mediterranean region, Minoan chronologies take shifted away from Evans' purely relative system and incorporated more accented dates.

Modern chronologies are generally divided into iii principal categories that retain the general framework developed past Evans: "loftier chronology," methods using technological solutions such every bit radiocarbon dating to determine the time period of an artifact's creation, "low chronology," composed of more traditional methods relying on Minoan artifacts found in contexts that let them to be dated, such as adjacent to an particular produced by a unlike civilization or in a location outside of Crete, for example Cretan pottery found in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose Three.[half-dozen] [7] The 3rd modern chronological mode is a combination of the two methods.[half dozen] [8]

Theran eruption [edit]

Three Islands surrounding a sunken volcano in the Aegean Sea.

The remains of the Thera volcano's caldera.

The timing of natural disasters is of importance to high and low chronologies, which tin use the resulting geological evidence to date co-located artifacts. The eruption of the Thera volcano on what is at present the island of Santorini is of particular significance to the chronology of Minoan history.

The Theran eruption plays a function in both the high and low chronological approaches, although there is a difference in the date range each arrangement assigns to the event. In his initial framework, Evans vaguely assigned the eruption to the 17th century BCE.[9] Depression chronological assessments revise the eruption to the mid-15th century, while high and blended chronologies push the appointment back to a bespeak in between Evans' and low chronologies, a more commonly accepted specific date of approximately 1628, though the appointment is by no means more often than not agreed. The precise date is of more business to archaeologists of the Asian mainland and Aboriginal Arab republic of egypt, where volcanic ash from Thera is widely evident, and there are established competing chronologies, than to those of Crete.

High chronological techniques such every bit radiocarbon dating can be used in conjunction with show from artifacts indirectly related to the eruption, such as eruption-caused tsunami debris to pinpoint the exact timing of the event, and therefore which Minoan catamenia it belongs in.[10] Nevertheless, the broadness of radiocarbon dating has as well resulted in dates for the eruption of Thera that do not precisely match evidence from the archeological tape.

Palaces of Crete and the palatial periods [edit]

Map of significant Minoan sites and settlements on Crete. Palatial sites are denoted in scarlet.

The island of Crete is home to several palaces constructed past the Minoan civilization, all of which are archeologically pregnant. The master palaces were located at Knossos, Malia, and Phaistos.[eleven] Each palace was constructed and rebuilt multiple times on the same sites. The palaces' distinct construction phases are used to farther divide the relative periods of the Minoan chronology system into 5 distinct sections: prepalatial, protopalatial, neopalatial, late palatial or the last palace menstruum, and the mail-palatial flow.[11]

Prepalatial flow [edit]

The prepalatial period is a wide time menses, spanning from approximately 7000 to 1900, and is itself divided into neolithic, early on prepalatial, and late prepalatial sections.[12] Characterized by the creation of large settlements at the locations where palaces would later exist constructed and usage of early forms of the architecture after plant at palatial sites, the prepalatial period contains the relative chronological divisions EM I through at least part of MM IA.[12]

Protopalatial period [edit]

The protopalatial period lasted from approximately 1900 until 1750, or in the relative chronology MM IB through MM IIB.[13] The major palaces' completion occurred during this time-frame, distinguished past singled-out ashlar masonry with marks created past the responsible masons. The protopalatial phase also saw the emergence of both the Linear A and Cretan hieroglyphic writing systems, although they probable initially saw use as early as the end of the previous period.[xiii] [12]

Neopalatial period [edit]

The neopalatial period occurred during the relative chronological divisions of MM III and LM IB, a roughly 260-year span between 1750 and 1490[14] The menstruum is represented by the dramatic expansion and reconstruction of the palace at Knossos, associated with Evans' discoveries of paintings featuring bulls, which he interpreted as evidence for the being of the Labyrinth of Greek myth. Additional palaces were built at Galatas and Zakros, while the palaces at Malia and Phaistos underwent periods of destruction, abandonment, and reconstruction.[14]

The Theran eruption occurred during the end of the neopalatial flow, during the stop of LM IA.[15]

Late palatial menstruation [edit]

Tablet with Linear B writing, a development of the late palatial period.

First in the LM II menstruum, approximately 1490, and ending with the beginning of the LM IIIB period 130 years afterwards in 1360, the late palatial period was the terminal use of intact palace structures on Crete.[xvi] The palaces at Phaistos, Galatas, Zakros, and Malia were largely destroyed and/or abandoned, while the palace at Knossos received its final additions.

The belatedly palatial menstruation marked the emergence of the Linear B script, an early form of written Greek, used at Knossos to record economical and administrative data.[16]

Postal service-deluxe menstruation [edit]

The post-palatial period of Minoan chronology, a roughly 140-year period betwixt 1360 and 1200, falls into the last relative menstruum defined by accented dates, LM IIIB.[17] The period saw Knossos lose prominence as a settlement, with the majority of new construction taking place at the agricultural and trade center of Mesara. The end of the postal service-palatial period likewise represented an emphasis of Mycenaean Greek styles of construction and architecture over traditional Minoan methods.

Other names Relative chronology [18] Conventional dates, BCE [19] Notes

Table of Minoan chronology [edit]

Prepalatial, Pre-Palace (Προανακτορική), Protominoan Historic period (Platon)[twenty]
Copper Age (Matz, Hutchinson)[21]
Early Bronze Historic period (Hood)
EM 3000–2200 (Evans, Hood)
2600–2000 (Matz)
3200–2000 (Hemingway)
Πρωτομινωική or ΠΜ in Greek.
First Early Minoan (Hutchinson)
Stage I (Platon)
EM I 3400–2800 (Evans)
2600–2300 (Matz)
2500–2400 (Hutchinson)
3200–2600 (Gimbutas)
3000–2600 (Willetts, Hood)
2800–2200 (Mackenzie)
3200–2720 (Hemingway)
The main problem has been setting the end of the Neolithic; its layers were destroyed by building at Knossos.

The flow is attested by pottery from a well at Knossos, in Tholos Tomb 2 at Lebena and by an EM I layer at Debla.

Second Early on Minoan (Hutchinson)
Phase Ii (Platon)
EM Ii 2800–2400 (Evans)
2300-2200 (Matz)
2300–2100 (Hutchinson)[22]
2600–2300 (Gimbutas, Willetts, Hood)
2720–2200 (Hemingway)
Hemingway divides this at 2400 into EM IIA and EM IIB. Seals like those of Egyptian 1st Intermediate Menstruation, Dynasties 6–11, 2345–1991.
Third Early Minoan (Hutchinson)
Stage Three (Platon)
EM Three 2400–2200 (Evans)
2200–2000 (Matz, Hemingway)
2100–2000 (Hutchinson)
2300–2160 (Gimbutas)
2300–2200 (Willetts, Hood)
Palace Period (Matz, Platon)
Minoan Age (Platon)[23]
Total Bronze Age (Matz)[24]
MM 2200–1500 (Evans)
2000–1570 (Matz)
2000–1580 (Ventris & Chadwick)
2000–1600 (Hemingway)
Μεσομινωική or MM in Greek
Phase III of Pre-Palace (Platon)
Early Palace (Matz)
First or Early on Palaces (Hood)
MM IA 2000–? (Matz)
2000–1900 (Hutchinson, Hemingway)
2160–1930 (Gimbutas)
2200–2000 (Willetts, Hood)
2000–1925 (Ventris & Chadwick)
2200–? (MacKenzie)
Kephala mound cleared of earlier structures, palace at Knossos begun (Hutchinson).
Erstwhile Palace (Evans)
Early Palace (Matz)
Old Palace (Παλαιοανακτορική) Stage I (Platon)
First or Early Palaces (Hood)
MM IB ?–1800 (Matz)
1900–1850 (Hutchinson)
2000–1900 (Platon, Willetts, Hood)
1925–1850 (Ventris & Chadwick)
1930–1800 (Gimbutas)
?–2100 (MacKenzie)
1900–1800 (Hemingway)
"First Palaces" or "First temple-palaces" (Gimbutas)[25]

Employ of potter's wheel. Information technology may accept been introduced in IA.

Erstwhile Palace (Evans)
Early Palace (Matz)
Former Palace Phase II (Platon)
First or Early Palaces, Middle Bronze Historic period (Hood)
MM IIA 1850–? (Hutchinson, Ventris & Chadwick)
1900–1800 (Platon, Willetts, Hood)
2100–? (MacKenzie)
Hemingway does non divide MM II
One-time Palace (Evans)
Early on Palace (Matz)
Old Palace Phase III (Platon)
First or Early on Palaces, Middle Bronze Age (Hood)
MM IIB ?–1700 (Matz, Ventris & Chadwick)
?–1750 (Hutchinson)
1800–1700 (Platon, Willetts, Hood, Hemingway)
?–1900 (MacKenzie)
Palaces were and so destroyed by an convulsion c. 1700 that they had to be rebuilt. This is the dividing line between Onetime and New Palace and between II and III.[26]
Old Palace (Evans)
Late Palace I (Matz)
New Palace (Νεοανακτορική) Phase I (Platon)
Middle Bronze Age (Hood)
MM IIIA 1700–? (Matz)
1700–? (Platon)
1700/1750–1600 (Hutchinson)
1700–1660 (Ventris & Chadwick)
1700–? (Willetts)
1700–? (Hood)
1900–? (MacKenzie)
1700–1650 (Hemingway)
Frescoes begin.
Showtime pot signs in Linear A.
Late Palace I (Matz)
New Palace Period Stage I (Platon)
Center Bronze Age (Hood)
MM IIIB 1600–1550 (Hutchinson)
?–1570 (Matz)
?–1600 (Platon)
1660–1580 (Ventris & Chadwick)
?–1600 (Willetts)
?–1550 (Hood)
1700–1600 (Palmer)
?–1700 (MacKenzie)
1650–1600 (Hemingway)
Linear A.
Another earthquake requiring more rebuilding occurred c. 1570, which for some was the middle of IIIB and for others the get-go.
Outset Linear A archives from Mallia.
LM 1500–1000 (Evans) Υστερομινωική or ΥΜ in Greek
Late Palace Ii (Matz)
New Palace Phase II (Platon)
LM IA 1550–1500 (Hutchinson)
1600–1500 (Palmer, Furumark)
1570–? (Matz)
1600–? (Platon)
1580–1510 (Ventris & Chadwick)
1700–? (MacKenzie)
1600–1500 (Hemingway)
The period of the Thera eruption and seismic sea wave.[27]
Largest enshroud of Linear A tablets, Hagia Triada, IA and/or IB.
Belatedly Palace Ii (Matz)
New Palace Phase 2 (Platon)
LM IB 1500–1450 (Hutchinson, Hemingway)
?–1450 (Matz)
1510–1450 (Ventris & Chadwick)
1500–1450 (Palmer, Furumark)
?–1450 (Platon)
?–1500 (MacKenzie)
All the palaces except Knossos were burned c. 1450, events interpreted by the majority view as the advent of the Greeks and installment at Knossos.
Late Palace Ii (Matz)
New Palace Stage 3 (Platon)
Palace Period (Evans, MacKenzie)
LM II 1450–1400 (Hutchinson, Palmer, Furumark, Matz, Platon, Hemingway)
1450–1405 (Ventris & Chadwick)
The flow ends with a destruction by burn down of all the palaces on Crete from unknown causes.[28] They were, of grade, reoccupied.
Post-Palace Phase I (Platon) LM IIIA 1400– (Matz)
1400–1320 (Platon)
1400–1300 (Hutchinson, Hemingway)
Hemingway splits to LM IIIA1 and LM IIIA2 at 1350. Linear B tablets c. 1400 (Evans and his defender, Boardman)
Post-Palace Phases Two, 3 (Platon) LM IIIB 1300–1200 (Hutchinson, Hemingway)
1320–1280 (II), 1260–1150 (3) (Platon)
Linear B tablets c. 1200 (Palmer, doubter of Evans' chronology)
LM IIIC ?–1100 (Matz)
1260–1050 (Willetts)
1200–1050 (Hemingway)
A general Mycenaean Greek palace destruction by fire on the mainland and Crete happened in a window of time c. 1200 at the end of IIIB. How wide a window is not known, nor are the causes for sure. Some possibilities are any or all of civil strife, the Sea Peoples, the Dorians.
Subminoan Age (Platon, Matz, Willetts) 1100– (Matz)
1150–1000 (Platon)
1075–1025 (Furumark)
1050–900 (Willetts)
This menses is considered a Mycenaean Greek holdout against the Dorian Greeks arriving at this time. Its end marks the completion of assimilation to them.

Other tables on the Internet [edit]

The search for a consistent chronology of Cretan civilization goes on. Other tabular chronologies have been published on the Cyberspace past:

  • Ian Swindale, using the chronology of Andonis Vasilakis in his book on Minoan Crete, published past Adam Editions in 2000
  • Dartmouth College
  • ExploreCrete.com
  • World History Encyclopedia
  • Thera Foundation
  • L. Marangou in the Foundation of the Hellenic Globe site
  • Companion to Manning (Cornell)
  • University of Oklahoma

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete : Constructing Identity in the Aegean Statuary Age. web: University of Texas Printing. pp. 4, six.
  2. ^ This chronology of Minoan Crete is the one used by Andonis Vasilakis in his book on Minoan Crete, published by Adam Editions in 2000, simply other chronologies will vary, sometimes quite considerably (EM periods specially). Sets of different dates from other authors are set out below
  3. ^ "Page four". Webfea-lb.fea.aub.edu.lb. Archived from the original on 2008-10-07. Retrieved 2012-08-10 .
  4. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). oi.uchicago.edu. Archived from the original (PDF) on six December 2006. Retrieved 13 January 2022. {{cite spider web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as championship (link)
  5. ^ There are many questions, of grade, simply this i persists and would overthrow an important role of Evans' chronology. A brief review can be found at the Stanford Archaeopedia Archived 2006-12-16 at the Wayback Machine site.
  6. ^ a b McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete : Amalgam Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age. web: Academy of Texas Press. pp. 6, 7.
  7. ^ Höflmayer, Felix (2009). "Aegean-Egyptian Synchronisms and Radiocarbon Chronology". Monographs of the Danish Plant at Athens. 10: 192. ISBN978-87-7934-024-four.
  8. ^ Housley, R.A. (1999). "Radiocarbon, Calibration, and the Chronology of the Late Minoan IB Stage". Journal of Archaeological Science. 26: 159–171. doi:10.1006/jasc.1998.0312 – via Academia.edu.
  9. ^ McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete : Constructing Identity in the Aegean Statuary Age. Web: University of Texas Press. pp. 7, 6.
  10. ^ Höflmayer, Felix (2009). "Aegean-Egyptian Synchronisms and Radiocarbon Chronology". Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens. 10: 194. ISBN978-87-7934-024-4.
  11. ^ a b McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete : Amalgam Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age. Web: Academy of Texas Printing. pp. 9, 45, 69, 93, 117, 133.
  12. ^ a b c McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete: Constructing Identity in the Aegean Statuary Age. Web: University of Texas Press. pp. nine, 19, 31.
  13. ^ a b McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete: Constructing Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age. Web: University of Texas Press. pp. 45–54.
  14. ^ a b McEnroe, John C. (2010). Compages of Minoan Crete: Constructing Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age. Web: Academy of Texas Printing. pp. 69–79, 81–92.
  15. ^ Manning, Sturt W. (1999). A Exam of Fourth dimension: The Volcano of Thera and the chronology and history of the Aegean and e Mediterranean in the mid second millennium BC. Print: Oxbow Books. pp. 18, 19. ISBN1 900188 99 six.
  16. ^ a b McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete: Amalgam Identity in the Aegean Bronze Historic period. Spider web: Academy of Texas Press. pp. 117–120, 122, 126–130.
  17. ^ McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete: Amalgam Identity in the Aegean Statuary Age. Web: University of Texas Press. pp. 133, 136, 143.
  18. ^ It is well-virtually impossible to peruse several books and articles on Crete and come up with annihilation similar a uniform chronology. The underlying reason is no doubt that the fourth dimension windows of the artifacts are not uniform. Some sites did not experience the full complement of periods; one period got extended over more than 1 elsewhere. The dates of the periods are not the aforementioned everywhere. The utility of a scheme such as Evans' becomes evident in a context such as this. It might exist viewed as a median chronological framework.
  19. ^ The dates given beneath are a sampling from the noted works listed in the References section below. Many samples of other noted works might exist selected with little likelihood of finding the same dates, just they would tend to vary about Evans' relative chronology. Some of the authors, such as Hutchinson, revised their dates equally part of the ongoing procedure of discovery. Even in different chapters of the same book the reader will find the same menstruum dated differently by the same writer.
  20. ^ Platon's Pre-Palace Menstruum includes EM and MM IA. His Protominoan Historic period includes the Neolithic and the Pre-Palace Period.
  21. ^ Matz uses "Metallic Age" besides to incorporate Copper and Statuary Ages.
  22. ^ The lacuna of 100 years is Hutchinson's. Every bit the dates are imprecise, the reader may selection either.
  23. ^ Platon'south Minoan Age includes MM (exclusive of IA) and LM. His Palace Period includes MM (exclusive of IA) and LM I and 2.
  24. ^ Matz's Full Statuary Age includes MM and LM I&II (but non Three)
  25. ^ This hyphenated name is a concession to the view that the palaces were actually temples. Those who espouse this minority view utilize "Temple Menstruum" instead of "Palace Period", etc. A brief discussion of the question is given by Jan Driessen Archived 2009-02-21 at the Wayback Machine under The Courtroom Compounds of Minoan Crete, Athena Review, Vol. three No. 3. All the authors from Evans on recognize that some areas of the palaces found religious uses. On the other hand the throne rooms and private quarters tend to support the "great rex" thought. The degree to which the complexes were communal, religious or secular remains open.
  26. ^ The events of course are not quite so simple. At that place was more ane convulsion. Old Palace at Knosses seems to have gone on modified until the middle of IIIA. There is some equivocation as well about what building activities constitute "old" and "new", as earthquakes in Crete were frequent and rebuilding ongoing. The transition from old to new should not be regarded every bit any sharp event. The quest for precision goes on.
  27. ^ The appointment (and effect) of the Thera eruption is as indecisive as the rest of the chronology. Carbon dating indicates the date of the eruption was near 1600 and if that were correct then the time of LMIA would need to change.
  28. ^ Furumark divides IIIA into a pre-disaster IIIA1 and a post-disaster IIIA2. The latter is dated by its pottery existence found at Amarna, 1375–1350. Most chronologies ignore Furumark'due south distinction. Until absolute dating showed the Thera eruption to be before, Spyridon Marinatos' theory that the eruption caused the disaster prevailed.

References [edit]

  • Hemingway, Seán, Fine art of the Aegean Statuary Age, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Spring 2012 Volume LXIX, Number iv (chronology table on p. 48)
  • Hutchinson, Prehistoric Crete, many editions hardcover and softcover
  • Matz, Friedrich, The Fine art of Crete and Early on Greece, Crown, 1962
  • Mackenzie, Donald A., Crete & Pre-Hellenic, Senate, 1995, ISBN 1-85958-090-4
  • Palmer, Fifty. A., Mycenaeans and Minoans, multiple editions
  • Platon, Nicolas, Crete (translated from the Greek), Archaeologia Mundi series, Frederick Muller Limited, London, 1966
  • Vasilakis, Andonis, Minoan Crete: From Myth to History, 2000, Adam Editions, Athens, ISBN 9789605003432
  • Willetts, The Civilisation of Ancient Crete, Barnes & Noble, 1976, ISBN 1-56619-749-10

External links [edit]

  • Minoan Civilization, Myrtos Museum site.
  • The Beginning Great Expansion of Aegean Commerce, Chapter nine in H. J. Kantor, Plant Ornament in the Ancient Near East
  • The Impact of Cycladic Settlers on Early on Minoan Crete, article by Philip P. Betancourt in Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 3 No. 1 2003.
  • Minoans and Mycenaeans: Sociopolitical & Economic Show for LM III Crete at Knossos and Khania
  • The Palaces of Minos at Knossos, article past Colin F. Macdonald in Athena Review, Vol.3, no.3: Minoan Crete
  • A brief history of Knosós, British School at Athens
  • Aegean Archeology Enquiry Resources UT Arlington
  • Settlement Patterns ... in Eastward Crete in the Final Neolithic, Peter Tomkins et al.
  • The Rising of the Minoan Palaces, commodity by Ioannis Georganas in Antistoreton, Result E985 of 1 July 1998.
  • MINOAN TRADE: ASPECTS AND AMBIGUITIES, unrestricted thesis at the University of Due south Africa, past Deanne Kieser
  • Courtyard Complexes and the Labyrinth of Minoan Culture, Michele A. Miller, Athena Review, Vol.three, no.3y


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_chronology

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